Thursday, August 6, 2015

2 Very Easy Ways To Remove Coconut From Its Shell Just In 10 Seconds!

Don’t you just love coconuts? They taste delicious and are so versatile for they can be added to any preparation to up the flavour. Immensely versatile they are; from savoury dishes to sweet items, they work for all. But handling coconuts is not an easy task. Wondering why? Here’s the reason.
Ever heard the phrase “it’s a hard nut to crack”? Sure you did. This phrase definitely falls in place when it comes to coconuts. It’s definitely one tough nut to crack. Basically coconuts are nothing but large seeds of palm trees that grow in tropical areas. The hard brown shell covers the edible white part of the coconut and that is the part which is most difficult to extract. What if we told you that there are a few easy ways to extract the super delicious white part? Would you believe us? We’re not kidding at all! We’re here to share those interesting hacks of extraction with you. Here are a few of those tricks:

Method 1

Locate the eye like markings (dark indentations) on the coconut. There will be 2 or 3 such markings on the shell which the weakest points of the coconut.

Take a nail and drive it through one of those markings with the help of a hammer.

Once this is done, drain the liquid out of the shell in a bowl. You can keep the liquid because it’s the amazingly delectable coconut water.

Now once all the water is drained out of it, place the coconut on a towel. The towel should be big enough to wrap the entire coconut.

Wrap the coconut inside the towel and place on someplace hard like your kitchen slab.

Hit it with a hammer all over several times so that it breaks open.

These repeated strikes will help in removing the coconut flesh from the shell easily.

Now you can use a kitchen knife to pry the white flesh away from the shell.

Rinse the flesh and store it in the refrigerator for it to stay fresh for up to 7 days.

Method 2

Firstly, if you want to keep the coconut water, use the hammer and nail process from the above method to drain out the water.

Take large and heavy kitchen knife; use the back of the knife (or the blunt part) to pound it on the coconut.

After a few whacks, you will be seeing cracks developing on the coconut shell.

Keep whacking along the cracks so that the coconut breaks open in two halves.

Now place the two halves on a baking sheet and bake it at 350 degree Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes.

You can also remove the coconuts from the oven when the coconut flesh starts to separate itself from the shell.

Let it cool down for a while. Take a knife and use it to pry the coconut flesh from the shell.

Slide it between the flesh and the shell to extract the edible part easily.

Once you do this, you will see the flesh pop out from the shell smoothly.

Store it in a refrigerator and use it as and when needed.

Note: You can use your vegetable or potato peeler to remove the brow part off the extracted flesh of the coconut.

Wasn’t that easy? Now you won’t have to waste hours trying to figure out how to get hold of that delicious white part of the coconut. Not only are they delicious, coconuts are high in dietary fiber and antioxidants, help in improving heart condition, preventing obesity, improving digestion, providing quick energy boost, fighting infections and a lot more.
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