Friday, August 7, 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Eggs are heavenly because they are so versatile and can be cooked in so many ways. Eggs are probably the only food where the vegetarians (yes, they love eggs too!) and non-vegetarians meet. Whether you have it in the boiled form or make an omelette out or it or have it sunny side up – there’s nothing that can beat eggs. Some of us love the yolk and some love the white but what about the shell? Yes, you heard us right. We are talking about the shell. You must be wondering, “Who in his or her senses would bother to do anything with the shell?”
Did you know that an egg’s shell is high on minerals and contains 90% calcium? Our body can easily absorb calcium because its chemical composition is very similar to that of our teeth and bones. Calcium when consumed in generous amounts can cure problem caused due to calcium deficiency. It can also prevent the risk of osteoporosis; it can be helpful in stimulating the bone marrow for producing blood cells which in turn can treat high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

Probably a few of you would have known about the fact that egg shells are rich in calcium. But did you know that they are also high in iron, zinc, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus, chromium and molybdenum? This is probably the reason why experts recommend that egg shells are a natural and effective calcium supplement. It is suggested that we should consume about 1.5 to 3 grams of crushed shell every day. Wondering what else one can do with egg shell? Don’t think too much, we’re here to reveal all those secrets.

As a Nourishing Face Mask

Crush and pulverise a few dried egg shells with the help of a mortar and pestle. Make sure it forms into a powdery substance. Now whisk the powder with an egg white. Apply it on your face as a mask; let it dry for a while and then rinse it off. This will make your skin healthy by tightening it.

Treat Skin Irritations

Ski1n irritations can be extremely annoying if not treated properly. Take an egg shell and place it into a small container of apple cider vinegar. Wait till it gets soaked in the apple cider vinegar for a couple of days. Now use this mixture to soothe irritation by dabbing it on the affected area. It is great for minor skin irritations and itchy skin.

For a Better Tasting Coffee

Coffee lovers, rejoice because this one’s for you. Take a bit of crushed egg shells and add it to the ground coffee before brewing it. This will make your coffee taste much better by reducing its inherent bitterness.

Your DIY Calcium Supplement

Women are asked to take calcium supplement after a certain age before they are susceptible to diseases cause due to calcium deficiency. Now you won’t have to rely on those calcium pills because you can prepare your own calcium supplement right at your home with a few egg shells. Take a few dried egg shells and bake them at 350 degrees for about 8 minutes. Take them out of the over and let them cool for a while. After this, grind them to a fine powder. That’s it; you have created your very own calcium supplement. Add about a teaspoon of it to your smoothie or juice every day and enjoy! So, next time you run out of your supplements, you know what needs to be done!


You can cure gastritis and ulcer too with egg shells. Just mix crushed egg shells with about 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Once the shells soften, add about a deciliter of hot milk to it. Have this preparation at least twice a day – on empty stomach after you get up and before your bedtime at night.

Now we’re sure you would believe us that egg shells are indeed very useful. So, will you throw them away anymore?

Eggs are heavenly because they are so versatile and can be cooked in so many ways. Eggs are probably the only food where the vegetarians (yes, they love eggs too!) and non-vegetarians meet. Whether you have it in the boiled form or make an omelette out or it or have it sunny side up – there’s nothing that can beat eggs. Some of us love the yolk and some love the white but what about the shell? Yes, you heard us right. We are talking about the shell. You must be wondering, “Who in his or her senses would bother to do anything with the shell?”
Did you know that an egg’s shell is high on minerals and contains 90% calcium? Our body can easily absorb calcium because its chemical composition is very similar to that of our teeth and bones. Calcium when consumed in generous amounts can cure problem caused due to calcium deficiency. It can also prevent the risk of osteoporosis; it can be helpful in stimulating the bone marrow for producing blood cells which in turn can treat high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

Probably a few of you would have known about the fact that egg shells are rich in calcium. But did you know that they are also high in iron, zinc, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus, chromium and molybdenum? This is probably the reason why experts recommend that egg shells are a natural and effective calcium supplement. It is suggested that we should consume about 1.5 to 3 grams of crushed shell every day. Wondering what else one can do with egg shell? Don’t think too much, we’re here to reveal all those secrets.

As a Nourishing Face Mask

Crush and pulverise a few dried egg shells with the help of a mortar and pestle. Make sure it forms into a powdery substance. Now whisk the powder with an egg white. Apply it on your face as a mask; let it dry for a while and then rinse it off. This will make your skin healthy by tightening it.

Treat Skin Irritations

Ski1n irritations can be extremely annoying if not treated properly. Take an egg shell and place it into a small container of apple cider vinegar. Wait till it gets soaked in the apple cider vinegar for a couple of days. Now use this mixture to soothe irritation by dabbing it on the affected area. It is great for minor skin irritations and itchy skin.

For a Better Tasting Coffee

Coffee lovers, rejoice because this one’s for you. Take a bit of crushed egg shells and add it to the ground coffee before brewing it. This will make your coffee taste much better by reducing its inherent bitterness.

Your DIY Calcium Supplement

Women are asked to take calcium supplement after a certain age before they are susceptible to diseases cause due to calcium deficiency. Now you won’t have to rely on those calcium pills because you can prepare your own calcium supplement right at your home with a few egg shells. Take a few dried egg shells and bake them at 350 degrees for about 8 minutes. Take them out of the over and let them cool for a while. After this, grind them to a fine powder. That’s it; you have created your very own calcium supplement. Add about a teaspoon of it to your smoothie or juice every day and enjoy! So, next time you run out of your supplements, you know what needs to be done!


You can cure gastritis and ulcer too with egg shells. Just mix crushed egg shells with about 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Once the shells soften, add about a deciliter of hot milk to it. Have this preparation at least twice a day – on empty stomach after you get up and before your bedtime at night.

Now we’re sure you would believe us that egg shells are indeed very useful. So, will you throw them away anymore?

Don’t you just love coconuts? They taste delicious and are so versatile for they can be added to any preparation to up the flavour. Immensely versatile they are; from savoury dishes to sweet items, they work for all. But handling coconuts is not an easy task. Wondering why? Here’s the reason.
Ever heard the phrase “it’s a hard nut to crack”? Sure you did. This phrase definitely falls in place when it comes to coconuts. It’s definitely one tough nut to crack. Basically coconuts are nothing but large seeds of palm trees that grow in tropical areas. The hard brown shell covers the edible white part of the coconut and that is the part which is most difficult to extract. What if we told you that there are a few easy ways to extract the super delicious white part? Would you believe us? We’re not kidding at all! We’re here to share those interesting hacks of extraction with you. Here are a few of those tricks:

Method 1

Locate the eye like markings (dark indentations) on the coconut. There will be 2 or 3 such markings on the shell which the weakest points of the coconut.

Take a nail and drive it through one of those markings with the help of a hammer.

Once this is done, drain the liquid out of the shell in a bowl. You can keep the liquid because it’s the amazingly delectable coconut water.

Now once all the water is drained out of it, place the coconut on a towel. The towel should be big enough to wrap the entire coconut.

Wrap the coconut inside the towel and place on someplace hard like your kitchen slab.

Hit it with a hammer all over several times so that it breaks open.

These repeated strikes will help in removing the coconut flesh from the shell easily.

Now you can use a kitchen knife to pry the white flesh away from the shell.

Rinse the flesh and store it in the refrigerator for it to stay fresh for up to 7 days.

Method 2

Firstly, if you want to keep the coconut water, use the hammer and nail process from the above method to drain out the water.

Take large and heavy kitchen knife; use the back of the knife (or the blunt part) to pound it on the coconut.

After a few whacks, you will be seeing cracks developing on the coconut shell.

Keep whacking along the cracks so that the coconut breaks open in two halves.

Now place the two halves on a baking sheet and bake it at 350 degree Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes.

You can also remove the coconuts from the oven when the coconut flesh starts to separate itself from the shell.

Let it cool down for a while. Take a knife and use it to pry the coconut flesh from the shell.

Slide it between the flesh and the shell to extract the edible part easily.

Once you do this, you will see the flesh pop out from the shell smoothly.

Store it in a refrigerator and use it as and when needed.

Note: You can use your vegetable or potato peeler to remove the brow part off the extracted flesh of the coconut.

Wasn’t that easy? Now you won’t have to waste hours trying to figure out how to get hold of that delicious white part of the coconut. Not only are they delicious, coconuts are high in dietary fiber and antioxidants, help in improving heart condition, preventing obesity, improving digestion, providing quick energy boost, fighting infections and a lot more.
Don’t you just love coconuts? They taste delicious and are so versatile for they can be added to any preparation to up the flavour. Immensely versatile they are; from savoury dishes to sweet items, they work for all. But handling coconuts is not an easy task. Wondering why? Here’s the reason.
Ever heard the phrase “it’s a hard nut to crack”? Sure you did. This phrase definitely falls in place when it comes to coconuts. It’s definitely one tough nut to crack. Basically coconuts are nothing but large seeds of palm trees that grow in tropical areas. The hard brown shell covers the edible white part of the coconut and that is the part which is most difficult to extract. What if we told you that there are a few easy ways to extract the super delicious white part? Would you believe us? We’re not kidding at all! We’re here to share those interesting hacks of extraction with you. Here are a few of those tricks:

Method 1

Locate the eye like markings (dark indentations) on the coconut. There will be 2 or 3 such markings on the shell which the weakest points of the coconut.

Take a nail and drive it through one of those markings with the help of a hammer.

Once this is done, drain the liquid out of the shell in a bowl. You can keep the liquid because it’s the amazingly delectable coconut water.

Now once all the water is drained out of it, place the coconut on a towel. The towel should be big enough to wrap the entire coconut.

Wrap the coconut inside the towel and place on someplace hard like your kitchen slab.

Hit it with a hammer all over several times so that it breaks open.

These repeated strikes will help in removing the coconut flesh from the shell easily.

Now you can use a kitchen knife to pry the white flesh away from the shell.

Rinse the flesh and store it in the refrigerator for it to stay fresh for up to 7 days.

Method 2

Firstly, if you want to keep the coconut water, use the hammer and nail process from the above method to drain out the water.

Take large and heavy kitchen knife; use the back of the knife (or the blunt part) to pound it on the coconut.

After a few whacks, you will be seeing cracks developing on the coconut shell.

Keep whacking along the cracks so that the coconut breaks open in two halves.

Now place the two halves on a baking sheet and bake it at 350 degree Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes.

You can also remove the coconuts from the oven when the coconut flesh starts to separate itself from the shell.

Let it cool down for a while. Take a knife and use it to pry the coconut flesh from the shell.

Slide it between the flesh and the shell to extract the edible part easily.

Once you do this, you will see the flesh pop out from the shell smoothly.

Store it in a refrigerator and use it as and when needed.

Note: You can use your vegetable or potato peeler to remove the brow part off the extracted flesh of the coconut.

Wasn’t that easy? Now you won’t have to waste hours trying to figure out how to get hold of that delicious white part of the coconut. Not only are they delicious, coconuts are high in dietary fiber and antioxidants, help in improving heart condition, preventing obesity, improving digestion, providing quick energy boost, fighting infections and a lot more.
Habits are difficult to change and when it comes to bad habits, getting rid of them is even more difficult. There are several facts and myths associated with after eating habits. We know most of you must be torn between facts and myths and are tired of wondering which is true and which isn’t. You don’t have to keep worrying anymore because we are here to help you out. We will list out some of the worst habits that most of us indulge in after having a hearty meal. These habits are the worst abuses that you can do to your body and can cause extreme harm. Below is a list of some of those common mistakes that most do after having their meals.
Having a cigarette

Lighting up a cigarette after having a meal is one of the most common habits of almost all smokers. According to experts, nothing can be worse than a post-meal cigarette. Studies have shown that a post-mean cigarette causes the same amount of damage to your body as that of 10 cigarettes. This is because during this time our digestive system is at its peak and the nicotine tends to bind to the blood oxygen.

Going for a shower

Taking a bath is another bad habit that many indulge in after having a meal. Most of us these days have reversed the order of taking a bath and then having our meals. This is not really something good to get used to. This is because once we are done with our meal; the blood flow needs to be stimulated towards the stomach. However, a shower exactly does the opposite of this. It delays the process of digestion as the blood around the stomach flows to other parts of the body, especially towards your hands and feet. This hinders digestion and can also lead to more complicated health issues. You should at least wait for half an hour before taking a shower after your meal.

Having fruits

We all know that fruits get easily digested. In fact most of them get digested in as less as 20 minutes. So that should be case even after we consume them after our meals, right? Not really! If you have a fruit immediately after your meal, it remains in the stomach undigested for a long time. It can cause decay, release gases and other toxins and can also lead to the formation of cellulite. Hence, it’s best if you have your fruit in empty stomach or at least two hours before or after your meal.

Drinking tea

There’s no doubt that a cup of tea is packed with several benefits. However it should be remembered that the acidic nature of tea leaves can adversely affect the process of digestion. The acid in tea leaves hardens interferes with the protein content, making them hard and difficult to digest. The polyphenols also makes it difficult for the body to absorb the iron from the food. Thus, make sure you keep a gap of at least an hour before you have your cup of tea after a meal.


Going for a nap after a meal is a big ‘no’. Although you might start to feel sleepy after your meal, you should not do that as it has a direct impact on your digestion. The moment you lie down, the digestive juices start to flow away from the stomach resulting in intestinal inflammation. This is also the reason why you would end up getting a burning sensation in your mouth if you sleep immediately after having a hearty meal. This way, you’re doing nothing but putting additional pressure on your diaphragm.

Now that you know what all you shouldn’t do, try to bring changes in your lifestyle and you’re sure to see considerable improvements in your health.
Habits are difficult to change and when it comes to bad habits, getting rid of them is even more difficult. There are several facts and myths associated with after eating habits. We know most of you must be torn between facts and myths and are tired of wondering which is true and which isn’t. You don’t have to keep worrying anymore because we are here to help you out. We will list out some of the worst habits that most of us indulge in after having a hearty meal. These habits are the worst abuses that you can do to your body and can cause extreme harm. Below is a list of some of those common mistakes that most do after having their meals.
Having a cigarette

Lighting up a cigarette after having a meal is one of the most common habits of almost all smokers. According to experts, nothing can be worse than a post-meal cigarette. Studies have shown that a post-mean cigarette causes the same amount of damage to your body as that of 10 cigarettes. This is because during this time our digestive system is at its peak and the nicotine tends to bind to the blood oxygen.

Going for a shower

Taking a bath is another bad habit that many indulge in after having a meal. Most of us these days have reversed the order of taking a bath and then having our meals. This is not really something good to get used to. This is because once we are done with our meal; the blood flow needs to be stimulated towards the stomach. However, a shower exactly does the opposite of this. It delays the process of digestion as the blood around the stomach flows to other parts of the body, especially towards your hands and feet. This hinders digestion and can also lead to more complicated health issues. You should at least wait for half an hour before taking a shower after your meal.

Having fruits

We all know that fruits get easily digested. In fact most of them get digested in as less as 20 minutes. So that should be case even after we consume them after our meals, right? Not really! If you have a fruit immediately after your meal, it remains in the stomach undigested for a long time. It can cause decay, release gases and other toxins and can also lead to the formation of cellulite. Hence, it’s best if you have your fruit in empty stomach or at least two hours before or after your meal.

Drinking tea

There’s no doubt that a cup of tea is packed with several benefits. However it should be remembered that the acidic nature of tea leaves can adversely affect the process of digestion. The acid in tea leaves hardens interferes with the protein content, making them hard and difficult to digest. The polyphenols also makes it difficult for the body to absorb the iron from the food. Thus, make sure you keep a gap of at least an hour before you have your cup of tea after a meal.


Going for a nap after a meal is a big ‘no’. Although you might start to feel sleepy after your meal, you should not do that as it has a direct impact on your digestion. The moment you lie down, the digestive juices start to flow away from the stomach resulting in intestinal inflammation. This is also the reason why you would end up getting a burning sensation in your mouth if you sleep immediately after having a hearty meal. This way, you’re doing nothing but putting additional pressure on your diaphragm.

Now that you know what all you shouldn’t do, try to bring changes in your lifestyle and you’re sure to see considerable improvements in your health.
Refrigerators are one of the most essential kitchen appliances and none of us can think of a life without it. The process of refrigeration plays a key role in every kitchen and household. And why not? It after all preserves our food for a longer period of time and at the same time maintains its quality. So, it goes without saying that without refrigerators our lives would come to a standstill. Wait, think again. Is it really so?
Most of us might not be aware of it, but did you know that there are a horde of foods that actually do not need refrigeration? In fact these foods stay better when they are not refrigerated as their flavour change adversely when they are kept in the fridge. Not only this, it can also reduce their nutritional quality and make them more susceptible to getting spoilt. Ever thought which these food items might be? You never know; a few of them might just be resting in your fridge!

In this article, we will list out some of the most common foods that you must never refrigerate. So, let’s get started!


It is the quintessential breakfast item that no household can do without. Ever wondered why your bread doesn’t taste as good as it tasted before you refrigerated it? This is because keeping it in the fridge makes the bread dry much faster. While it is perfect to freeze the bread, but refrigeration is definitely a big no! The best practice would be to either consume the bread within four days by keeping it in room temperature or freeze the bread. Make sure you store it in a proper bread box to keep its taste intact and fresh.


Refrigeration is definitely one of the worst form of abuses that one can do on potatoes. The taste of potatoes gets badly affected because of refrigeration. Ideally you should store them in paper bags primarily because plastic bags tend to lead to moisture formation and accelerate the process of decaying.


Like potatoes, onions are also not meant for refrigeration. It is best to store them in a paper bag in a cool and dark spot. You should keep them away from potatoes as they tend to release lots of moisture and gases that can spoil the onions. The moisture in the refrigerator softens the onions by making them unfit for consumption.


Tomatoes start losing their flavour and taste and become soft and mushy if refrigerator. If you want to ripen the tomatoes quickly, then store them out of the refrigerator in a paper bag. Once ripe, tomatoes can last for as long as three days.

A Range of Fruits

Most of you might not be aware of the fact that there are several fruits that are not meant to be refrigerated. We are sure you must be storing your fridge with all sorts of fruits but we bet that many of these are not meant for refrigeration. Some of the most common fruits that shouldn’t be kept in the fridge are avocado, apples, bananas, citrus fruits (like lemon, oranges, etc.), berries, peaches, apricots, and nectarines. If refrigerated, these fruits start losing their flavours and textures. However, if you want a crisp bite of your fruit, you can refrigerate them for 30 minutes prior to eating. When it comes to avocados, you must keep in mind never to store an under ripe in the fridge. But there’s no harm in keeping an already ripe or cut avocado in the fridge. Keep lemons, limes, and oranges at room temperature. Make sure you do not keep them at a close proximity as it might lead to fungal growth on them.

Berries also are not fit for refrigeration as they have a very short shelf life. So it makes little sense to store them in the fridge as you must eat them with a day or two of purchasing.

In fact, you shouldn’t even store melons inside the fridge. If you refrigerate them, they start breaking down and their texture become powdery and grainy. If you want to keep the fresh and juicy flavour of the melons intact, then you need to store them at room temperature. However, once cut, you can store them in the fridge for about three to four days. Cut melons stay fresh for a longer period of time inside the fridge.


Those fresh herbs look amazing in the fridge, right? Absolutely wrong! While you might feel like stuff your refrigerator with just bought herbs, you must remember that when stored in the fridge, all herbs start withering at an exponential rate. The best way to keep herbs fresh for a longer time is by storing them in a glass jar filled with water. Keep this glass jar on your kitchen counter to keep those herbs fresh and crisp.

Some of the other food items that you must never refrigerate are salad dressings (vinegar or oil based), ketchup, soya sauce, cereals, all types of oils, coffee and pickles. Do not store spreads like peanut butter, honey, and jam in the fridge too as refrigeration makes these foods hard.

So, now you know the names of some of the most common foods in our kitchen that need no refrigeration. Next time onwards if you think of keeping something in the fridge, do keep this list handy.
Refrigerators are one of the most essential kitchen appliances and none of us can think of a life without it. The process of refrigeration plays a key role in every kitchen and household. And why not? It after all preserves our food for a longer period of time and at the same time maintains its quality. So, it goes without saying that without refrigerators our lives would come to a standstill. Wait, think again. Is it really so?
Most of us might not be aware of it, but did you know that there are a horde of foods that actually do not need refrigeration? In fact these foods stay better when they are not refrigerated as their flavour change adversely when they are kept in the fridge. Not only this, it can also reduce their nutritional quality and make them more susceptible to getting spoilt. Ever thought which these food items might be? You never know; a few of them might just be resting in your fridge!

In this article, we will list out some of the most common foods that you must never refrigerate. So, let’s get started!


It is the quintessential breakfast item that no household can do without. Ever wondered why your bread doesn’t taste as good as it tasted before you refrigerated it? This is because keeping it in the fridge makes the bread dry much faster. While it is perfect to freeze the bread, but refrigeration is definitely a big no! The best practice would be to either consume the bread within four days by keeping it in room temperature or freeze the bread. Make sure you store it in a proper bread box to keep its taste intact and fresh.


Refrigeration is definitely one of the worst form of abuses that one can do on potatoes. The taste of potatoes gets badly affected because of refrigeration. Ideally you should store them in paper bags primarily because plastic bags tend to lead to moisture formation and accelerate the process of decaying.


Like potatoes, onions are also not meant for refrigeration. It is best to store them in a paper bag in a cool and dark spot. You should keep them away from potatoes as they tend to release lots of moisture and gases that can spoil the onions. The moisture in the refrigerator softens the onions by making them unfit for consumption.


Tomatoes start losing their flavour and taste and become soft and mushy if refrigerator. If you want to ripen the tomatoes quickly, then store them out of the refrigerator in a paper bag. Once ripe, tomatoes can last for as long as three days.

A Range of Fruits

Most of you might not be aware of the fact that there are several fruits that are not meant to be refrigerated. We are sure you must be storing your fridge with all sorts of fruits but we bet that many of these are not meant for refrigeration. Some of the most common fruits that shouldn’t be kept in the fridge are avocado, apples, bananas, citrus fruits (like lemon, oranges, etc.), berries, peaches, apricots, and nectarines. If refrigerated, these fruits start losing their flavours and textures. However, if you want a crisp bite of your fruit, you can refrigerate them for 30 minutes prior to eating. When it comes to avocados, you must keep in mind never to store an under ripe in the fridge. But there’s no harm in keeping an already ripe or cut avocado in the fridge. Keep lemons, limes, and oranges at room temperature. Make sure you do not keep them at a close proximity as it might lead to fungal growth on them.

Berries also are not fit for refrigeration as they have a very short shelf life. So it makes little sense to store them in the fridge as you must eat them with a day or two of purchasing.

In fact, you shouldn’t even store melons inside the fridge. If you refrigerate them, they start breaking down and their texture become powdery and grainy. If you want to keep the fresh and juicy flavour of the melons intact, then you need to store them at room temperature. However, once cut, you can store them in the fridge for about three to four days. Cut melons stay fresh for a longer period of time inside the fridge.


Those fresh herbs look amazing in the fridge, right? Absolutely wrong! While you might feel like stuff your refrigerator with just bought herbs, you must remember that when stored in the fridge, all herbs start withering at an exponential rate. The best way to keep herbs fresh for a longer time is by storing them in a glass jar filled with water. Keep this glass jar on your kitchen counter to keep those herbs fresh and crisp.

Some of the other food items that you must never refrigerate are salad dressings (vinegar or oil based), ketchup, soya sauce, cereals, all types of oils, coffee and pickles. Do not store spreads like peanut butter, honey, and jam in the fridge too as refrigeration makes these foods hard.

So, now you know the names of some of the most common foods in our kitchen that need no refrigeration. Next time onwards if you think of keeping something in the fridge, do keep this list handy.
Rice is undoubtedly one of the most popular forms of staple food in the world. People swear by rice because it easily pairs with different types of foods. Also, when it comes to expenses, it is quite a reasonable option. However, like all good things come with flaws, rice is no exception to this rule. The eternal flaw of rice is that it isn’t good for your health. It is loaded with starch and is linked to higher risk of diabetes. A cup of rice contains about 200 calories in the form of starch which turns into sugar and later into the infamous body fat.

What if there’s a way of dealing with this one flaw of rice? What if we told you that there’s a way of cooking rice that can make it much healthier for your system? We are not telling you all something that’s impossible because there’s actually a trick to cut down of the number of calories in rice. In this article, we will tell you about an effective way of cooking rice to reduce its calories. We will also explain you why this particular process works. So, let’s get started!

The Method

Take water in a cooking container
Bring the water to boil and add a bit of coconut oil
The coconut oil should be about 3 percent of the amount of the rice to be cooked
Now add raw rice to it
Cook the rice properly and after it’s done, let it cool in the refrigerator for about 12 hours
That’s it. That’s all that you need to do to better the health benefits of rice. That was pretty easy, right? But are you feeling a bit lost regarding this method? Don’t worry; we will explain it to you why exactly this method of cooking works.

All starches are not the same for there are different kinds of starches. Digestible starches take little time to digest and are quickly turned into glucose and finally into glycogen. Excess of glycogen adds to the size of our guts if not burnt off. Resistant starches on the other hand, take a longer period of time to digest and do not get converted into glucose or glycogen. This happens because our body lacks the ability to digest them. Hence, these add up to fewer calories.

Research has however showed that it’s possible to change the types of starches in food by doing slight modifications in the cooking process. Let’s take the example of potatoes. They contain just the right amount of starch; however, when cooked or mashed, the starch turns into the less healthy kind.

According to a popular research, rice undergoes several chemical changes depending on the method of preparation. You would be amazed to know that fried rice or pulao have more amount of resistant starch than steamed rice which is the most commonly eaten type. Sounds strange, right? Thus, if we can reduce the digestible starch in rice, we can easily reduce the calories that come in steamed rice.

Thus, when a lipid like coconut oil is added to cooking process of rice, it drastically changes its starch type for the better. The oil reacts with the starch leading to a change in its type and refrigerating the rice helps in the process of conversion of starches. This means you have successfully made the starchy and sinful rice into a healthy one. Your rice is now not as heavy in calories as it was before; isn’t that amazing? Now you can have your regular portion of rice without worrying about its calorie content.
Rice is undoubtedly one of the most popular forms of staple food in the world. People swear by rice because it easily pairs with different types of foods. Also, when it comes to expenses, it is quite a reasonable option. However, like all good things come with flaws, rice is no exception to this rule. The eternal flaw of rice is that it isn’t good for your health. It is loaded with starch and is linked to higher risk of diabetes. A cup of rice contains about 200 calories in the form of starch which turns into sugar and later into the infamous body fat.

What if there’s a way of dealing with this one flaw of rice? What if we told you that there’s a way of cooking rice that can make it much healthier for your system? We are not telling you all something that’s impossible because there’s actually a trick to cut down of the number of calories in rice. In this article, we will tell you about an effective way of cooking rice to reduce its calories. We will also explain you why this particular process works. So, let’s get started!

The Method

Take water in a cooking container
Bring the water to boil and add a bit of coconut oil
The coconut oil should be about 3 percent of the amount of the rice to be cooked
Now add raw rice to it
Cook the rice properly and after it’s done, let it cool in the refrigerator for about 12 hours
That’s it. That’s all that you need to do to better the health benefits of rice. That was pretty easy, right? But are you feeling a bit lost regarding this method? Don’t worry; we will explain it to you why exactly this method of cooking works.

All starches are not the same for there are different kinds of starches. Digestible starches take little time to digest and are quickly turned into glucose and finally into glycogen. Excess of glycogen adds to the size of our guts if not burnt off. Resistant starches on the other hand, take a longer period of time to digest and do not get converted into glucose or glycogen. This happens because our body lacks the ability to digest them. Hence, these add up to fewer calories.

Research has however showed that it’s possible to change the types of starches in food by doing slight modifications in the cooking process. Let’s take the example of potatoes. They contain just the right amount of starch; however, when cooked or mashed, the starch turns into the less healthy kind.

According to a popular research, rice undergoes several chemical changes depending on the method of preparation. You would be amazed to know that fried rice or pulao have more amount of resistant starch than steamed rice which is the most commonly eaten type. Sounds strange, right? Thus, if we can reduce the digestible starch in rice, we can easily reduce the calories that come in steamed rice.

Thus, when a lipid like coconut oil is added to cooking process of rice, it drastically changes its starch type for the better. The oil reacts with the starch leading to a change in its type and refrigerating the rice helps in the process of conversion of starches. This means you have successfully made the starchy and sinful rice into a healthy one. Your rice is now not as heavy in calories as it was before; isn’t that amazing? Now you can have your regular portion of rice without worrying about its calorie content.
The 2-minute noodles ‘Maggi’ has come under regulatory scanner after samples collected in some parts of Uttar Pradesh were found containing added monosodium glutamate (MSG) and lead in excess of the permissible limit, official sources said.
The Lucknow Food Safety and Drug Administration has initiated inquiry and written to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) in New Delhi seeking to cancel the licence for Maggi. The state regulator has also asked FSSAI to order sampling of the product from across the country to check quality, officials said.

“We have tested Maggi samples at Kolkata’s referral laboratory. The test results show that there are added monosodium glutamate and excess of lead. We have ordered further sampling,” FSDA Assistant Commissioner Vijay Bahadur Yadav told TOI.

However, Nestle, which manufactures Maggi, maintains that it does not add monosodium glutamate to the product, whereas presence of excess lead is “surprising” for the company.

“We do not add MSG to MAGGI Noodles and glutamate, if present, may come from naturally occurring sources. Food regulators in India also do not specify any limit for the presence of MSG / Glutamate,” a Nestle spokesperson said. He said, “We are surprised with the lead content supposedly found in the sample. We monitor the lead content regularly as part of regulatory requirements, and tests at our own accredited laboratories as well as those by independent external accredited laboratories have consistently shown the results to be well within the permissible limit.”

According to Yadav, test results showed Maggi containing 17 parts per million lead, whereas the permissible limit is 0.01ppm. Nestle says its records show lead content is negligible and less than 1 % of the fixed limit.

Monosodium glutamate, a kind of amino acid which occurs naturally in many agricultural products, is often also added artificially to packaged food to enhance flavour. Regulators and experts say such additives can be harmful for health, mainly for children. Food safety regulations mandate companies to specify on the packaging if MSG has been added.

When contacted, FSSAI said it will examine the case once it receives a detail report from UP and will immediately order sampling from other states. “Enforcement of the Act lies with state government and they must keep a stringent check. Once we receive communication from the state, we will certainly examine and take immediate cognizance,” a senior FSSAI official said.

Nestle said so far it has not been informed about any cancellation of licence or ban on the product. It also maintains that Maggi noodles “conform to all applicable food laws and regulations”.
The 2-minute noodles ‘Maggi’ has come under regulatory scanner after samples collected in some parts of Uttar Pradesh were found containing added monosodium glutamate (MSG) and lead in excess of the permissible limit, official sources said.
The Lucknow Food Safety and Drug Administration has initiated inquiry and written to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) in New Delhi seeking to cancel the licence for Maggi. The state regulator has also asked FSSAI to order sampling of the product from across the country to check quality, officials said.

“We have tested Maggi samples at Kolkata’s referral laboratory. The test results show that there are added monosodium glutamate and excess of lead. We have ordered further sampling,” FSDA Assistant Commissioner Vijay Bahadur Yadav told TOI.

However, Nestle, which manufactures Maggi, maintains that it does not add monosodium glutamate to the product, whereas presence of excess lead is “surprising” for the company.

“We do not add MSG to MAGGI Noodles and glutamate, if present, may come from naturally occurring sources. Food regulators in India also do not specify any limit for the presence of MSG / Glutamate,” a Nestle spokesperson said. He said, “We are surprised with the lead content supposedly found in the sample. We monitor the lead content regularly as part of regulatory requirements, and tests at our own accredited laboratories as well as those by independent external accredited laboratories have consistently shown the results to be well within the permissible limit.”

According to Yadav, test results showed Maggi containing 17 parts per million lead, whereas the permissible limit is 0.01ppm. Nestle says its records show lead content is negligible and less than 1 % of the fixed limit.

Monosodium glutamate, a kind of amino acid which occurs naturally in many agricultural products, is often also added artificially to packaged food to enhance flavour. Regulators and experts say such additives can be harmful for health, mainly for children. Food safety regulations mandate companies to specify on the packaging if MSG has been added.

When contacted, FSSAI said it will examine the case once it receives a detail report from UP and will immediately order sampling from other states. “Enforcement of the Act lies with state government and they must keep a stringent check. Once we receive communication from the state, we will certainly examine and take immediate cognizance,” a senior FSSAI official said.

Nestle said so far it has not been informed about any cancellation of licence or ban on the product. It also maintains that Maggi noodles “conform to all applicable food laws and regulations”.
Doing dishes is definitely one of the most annoying tasks that anybody might have to do. And all of us would agree on this. For example, you come back home after a long and tiring day and enter the kitchen to grab a glass of water and your eyes catch a glimpse of the kitchen sink. That’s it; we guess what follows next is quite evident. A kitchen sink full of greasy dishes is definitely not something that anyone would wish for. Sometimes, situation might be such that you are actually doing somebody else’s dishes… your husband’s friends’ or your roommates’. Even though you might feel like doing nothing about them, leaving them unattended makes the situation even worse for your kitchen will end up stinking like a trash can. And not all of us are blessed with having a 24-hour helping by our side. So, what can be done?
A cleaning trick maybe? Our kitchen is actually the magic room that hides so many unique cleaning tricks that can make your lives easier and more comfortable. We have a solution that can solve this problem of yours and help you with the cleaning of dishes.

The Trick

Keep a couple of tea bags handy for this trick. So, the next time you see a stink full of dirty and greasy dishes; just drop one or two tea bags into the water and let all of it soak. The tea helps in breaking up the grease and food chains. It also limits the amount of scrubbing that you might have to do as opposed to the earlier stage. By doing this, the greasiness of the dishes will vanish considerably and you can do away the dishes in a lot lesser amount of time.

There are also other tricks that can be used to get similar results. We know that tea is a popular beverage, but you can use other foods and ingredients for doing several domestic chores in an easier fashion. Tea is a great ingredient to perform several tasks other than just degreasing of dirty dishes. It also works as an excellent deodoriser that can be used to freshen up your home. You can also stack them in your shoes to get rid of shoe odour. If you keep used tea bags on your eyes, you can render yourself with a relaxing effect. Used tea bags are indeed magical and they deserve not to be trashed! Tea leaves can also work great for alleviating minor skin irritations.

Whoa, with so many amazing benefits, we are sure you won’t be throwing your tea bags away ever again!
Doing dishes is definitely one of the most annoying tasks that anybody might have to do. And all of us would agree on this. For example, you come back home after a long and tiring day and enter the kitchen to grab a glass of water and your eyes catch a glimpse of the kitchen sink. That’s it; we guess what follows next is quite evident. A kitchen sink full of greasy dishes is definitely not something that anyone would wish for. Sometimes, situation might be such that you are actually doing somebody else’s dishes… your husband’s friends’ or your roommates’. Even though you might feel like doing nothing about them, leaving them unattended makes the situation even worse for your kitchen will end up stinking like a trash can. And not all of us are blessed with having a 24-hour helping by our side. So, what can be done?
A cleaning trick maybe? Our kitchen is actually the magic room that hides so many unique cleaning tricks that can make your lives easier and more comfortable. We have a solution that can solve this problem of yours and help you with the cleaning of dishes.

The Trick

Keep a couple of tea bags handy for this trick. So, the next time you see a stink full of dirty and greasy dishes; just drop one or two tea bags into the water and let all of it soak. The tea helps in breaking up the grease and food chains. It also limits the amount of scrubbing that you might have to do as opposed to the earlier stage. By doing this, the greasiness of the dishes will vanish considerably and you can do away the dishes in a lot lesser amount of time.

There are also other tricks that can be used to get similar results. We know that tea is a popular beverage, but you can use other foods and ingredients for doing several domestic chores in an easier fashion. Tea is a great ingredient to perform several tasks other than just degreasing of dirty dishes. It also works as an excellent deodoriser that can be used to freshen up your home. You can also stack them in your shoes to get rid of shoe odour. If you keep used tea bags on your eyes, you can render yourself with a relaxing effect. Used tea bags are indeed magical and they deserve not to be trashed! Tea leaves can also work great for alleviating minor skin irritations.

Whoa, with so many amazing benefits, we are sure you won’t be throwing your tea bags away ever again!
Sunshine is the time to enjoy on the beach and parks with friends and family. Despite all the fun and enjoyment in the sun , by the end of the day most people are left with ugly  and unattractive marks of sun tan on the body , which become difficult to get rid of. There are many cosmetic products and bleaching techniques for tan removal, but most of them damage the skin in the long run.  Natural remedies help to remove the tan by soothing and nourishing the skin in a gentle caring way.
Your hands may get tanned due to different reasons like you may work with harsh chemicals day-in and day-out, get exposed to UV rays constantly, play sports that may get you involved in murky, dusty environment, getting exposed to polluted environment or even neglect to clean hands constantly. In this way your hands get tanned and losses its original color and beauty.

The question here is is it possible to remove tan completely? Well there a good news for all the ladies out there. If one can get tanned easily due to several unforeseen reasons, then they can also get rid of it easily by just following a few tips as mentioned below:

Prepare a solution or a paste by mixing baking soda with water and use it as a scrub to remove the tan from your hands or any affected area. If you are looking out for quick results, then try this procedure every alternate day.

Take equal quantity of vinegar and water in a bowl and mix it well. Then dip your hands into the bowl and let it rest in the solution for 5 to 10 minutes. Once this is done just wash your hands with cold water. You can try this therapy almost daily till you get satisfied results.

Prepare a mixture of honey and lime juice and apply it on the affected area. Leave the solution on your hand for 10 to 15 minutes. and then wash it off with cold water. Remember to pat dry the hands gently with a cotton towel.

Prepare a mixture of lime juice, cucumber juice and rosewater and apply it on the tanned area. Let this mixture remain on your hands for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off  with cold water. This mixture has proven to be quite effective to remove harsh sun tans and sun burns. The citric content in the lime and the cooling effect of rose water acts as a perfect combination to remove the tan from your hands very easily and quickly. You can prepare the solution and store it in the refrigerator for a week or so.

Soak a cotton pad or cloth in lime juice and dab/rub it on the tanned surface. Massage it for a minute or 2 and then leave it on for 10-15 minutes.  When it is completely dried, wash your hands with cold water.

Prepare a paste of gram flour, yogurt and lemon. The quantity of each item should be equal. Then apply the paste to the affected area. Leave it on for 10 minutes. When the mixture is completely dried, wash it off with with lukewarm water.

You can also add one tablespoon of  turmeric powder and lime juice in raw milk. Mix it well and then apply the mixture to the tanned area. Allow it to dry by leaving it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.

You can constantly apply coconut water to your hands and let it dry. For faster and more effective results you can apply this solution more than once in a day.

Papaya pulp is also another effective ingredient to help remove tan quickly. Massage the Papaya pulp on the affected area for more than 10 minutes and leave it on for another 10-15 minutes. Once you feel that is starting to dry, wash it off with cold water

You can also prepare a paste of white gourd and multani mitti and apply the mixture to the affected parts. Then rinse your it with cold water.

Apart from these you can also take some preventive steps by avoiding exposure to sunrays during peak hours. Do not go out in the sun from 10.00 to 04.00.  Try to use sunscreen lotion on the areas prone to sun exposure, remember to choose a sunscreen lotion that has higher SPF content. Cover your hands with gloves or scarf while riding. These are some steps that may help you avoid sun tans and skin discoloration during the summer time.

Home remedies to remove sun tan on neck

Are you feeling embarrassing about the dark neck? Its because of the tan formed around the neck due to hot sun and pollution. Tan usually occurs on body parts that exposed to sun such as neck, hands, face, arms and legs. Here are the simple home remedies for removing tan on neck.

Cucumber juice, turmeric powder and lemon juice

Mix 1 tbsp of turmeric powder, cucumber juice and cucumber juice. Apply this paste on the neck. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it with cool water. Do it regularly for better results.


Lemon acts as a natural bleach and cleanser that washes out the dead cells from skin. Rub lemon on the neck directly or mix the lemon juice with rose water. This removes the tan and gives fair look. Follow it regularly sure you get rid from neck tan with this home remedy.

Coconut oil

This oil will nourish the skin and removes tan. Massage the coconut oil on the neck daily in order to remove tanning from neck.


Prepare your own scrubs for removing tan on neck. Use sugar and lemon juice with oil.

Home remedies to remove tan on face & forehead

Pineapple and papaya for treating forehead tan

Mash pineapple and papaya in mixer and apply that paste to forehead tanned area. Leave it for 10 minutes and wash it with cold water.

Potato for removing tan on forehead and tan on face

It is anti tan vegetable remedy that is available always in kitchen. Make use of potato for removing tan on forehead and face. Mash the raw potato in mixer and apply it on face and forehead. Wash it with cold water after 15 mins. Do it regularly for best results.

Lemon juice and sugar for removing tan on face & forehead

Squeeze lemon and add it to sugar. Mix this and gently rub on face and forehead and leave it. It acts as a natural scrub and you can sure get rid of tanning in within couple of weeks. The skin on face also becomes smooth.

Yogurt and gram flour for face tan & forehead tan

Mix required amounts of gram flour, lemon juice and curd or yogurt. Apply this paste on forehead and face. Leave it for 15 mins and wash it with water.

Aloe vera, tomato and red lentil (Masoor daal) face pack

Masoor daal is the best home ingredient that cleans the even the extreme tan. Mixing of this into aloe vera and tomatoes acts as a rejuvenator. Masoor daal should be soaked in water for 15 minutes and grind it into a paste. In that paste add aloe vera gel and tomato pulp. Mix it well and massage on neck and face. After 15 minutes wash it with water.

Harmful effects of sun tan

Overexposure of the skin to the ultra violetrays of the sun leads to the darkening of the exposed area of the skin. Sun tan normally occurs on the face, neck, arms and legs. It can lead to problems like acne, pimples, wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, skin burn and premature aging of the skin. In extreme cases it can also cause skin cancer.

Home Made Remedies for Sun Tanned Skin

It is found that expensive cosmetic products available in the market are loaded with harmful chemicals and bleaching agents.The nourishing and wholesome face packs prepared from natural ingredients are easily available and do not harm the skin

Tomato, Yogurt and Lemon Juice Face Pack

This is an effective pack to removedark spots and pigmentation. The citric property in all the three ingredients acts as natural toner to shrink the open pores and reduce the oiliness on the skin. The pack can be prepared by mixing 2 table spoon of tomato pulp, 1 table spoon of lemon juice and 1 table spoon of yogurt in a bowl. Apply it on the face and wash with cold water after 30 minutes.

Aloe Vera, Masoor Daal (Red Lentil) and Tomato Face Pack

Masoor dal helps in clearing the worst tanning. Aloe Vera gel and tomato work as a skin rejuvenator. Make a rough paste of massor dal that has been soaked for 20 minutes. Mix the gel of aloe Vera and 1 tablespoon of tomato pulp in the paste and massage it liberally on the face and neck… Rinse it off after 20 minutes.

Oat Meal and Butter Milk Exfoliating Pack

Oatmeal is a natural scrub to remove blackheads and dead cells and buttermilk helps in soothing skin and healing blisters. Make a paste with 2 tablespoon of oatmeal and 3 tablespoons of buttermilk and apply it on the face and body. Massage it in a circular motion. Clean it with water after 15 minutes.

Orange Juice and Yogurt Face Pack

Oranges are rich in Vitamin C which helps to fight skin blemishes. The collagen in the orange slows down the process of aging and aids in tightening the skin.Yogurt on the other hand acts as a natural bleach and moisturizer. Take one spoon of juice and one spoon of yogurt and apply it on the face. Rinse with water after 30 minutes.

Potato and Lemon Juice Face Pack

Potato is beneficial to skin besides being a food. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals, protein and fiberswhich are helpful in treating aging sign of the skin, blemishes and sun burn. It calms and soothes the skin. Apply the two on the face and wash it off after 40 minutes.

Strawberry and Milk Cream Face Pack

Strawberryhas skin lightening agents thatare helpfulin improvingthe complexion of the skinand reducing dark spots, pigmentation and freckles on the skin. Prepare the pack with 4 crushed strawberries and 2 tablespoon milk cream and apply onthe face. Rinse after 30 minutes.

Milk Powder, Honey and Almond Oil Face pack

Milk powder is a good moisturizer and it also reduces the effects of sun tan and gives a clean texture to the skin. Mix 2 table spoon of milk powder1 table spoon of honey and a few drops of almond oil in a bowl and apply it on the face.Leave it on the face for 20 minutes before washingit off with water.

Saffron and Fresh Cream Face Pack

Saffron (kesar) remains an age old ingredient for skin care.It helps in skin brightening, toning, tan removal, and fighting acne and pimples. Blend few strands of kesar with 2 tablespoon milk and apply it on the face. Let it dry for 20 minutes before washing with water.
Sunshine is the time to enjoy on the beach and parks with friends and family. Despite all the fun and enjoyment in the sun , by the end of the day most people are left with ugly  and unattractive marks of sun tan on the body , which become difficult to get rid of. There are many cosmetic products and bleaching techniques for tan removal, but most of them damage the skin in the long run.  Natural remedies help to remove the tan by soothing and nourishing the skin in a gentle caring way.
Your hands may get tanned due to different reasons like you may work with harsh chemicals day-in and day-out, get exposed to UV rays constantly, play sports that may get you involved in murky, dusty environment, getting exposed to polluted environment or even neglect to clean hands constantly. In this way your hands get tanned and losses its original color and beauty.

The question here is is it possible to remove tan completely? Well there a good news for all the ladies out there. If one can get tanned easily due to several unforeseen reasons, then they can also get rid of it easily by just following a few tips as mentioned below:

Prepare a solution or a paste by mixing baking soda with water and use it as a scrub to remove the tan from your hands or any affected area. If you are looking out for quick results, then try this procedure every alternate day.

Take equal quantity of vinegar and water in a bowl and mix it well. Then dip your hands into the bowl and let it rest in the solution for 5 to 10 minutes. Once this is done just wash your hands with cold water. You can try this therapy almost daily till you get satisfied results.

Prepare a mixture of honey and lime juice and apply it on the affected area. Leave the solution on your hand for 10 to 15 minutes. and then wash it off with cold water. Remember to pat dry the hands gently with a cotton towel.

Prepare a mixture of lime juice, cucumber juice and rosewater and apply it on the tanned area. Let this mixture remain on your hands for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off  with cold water. This mixture has proven to be quite effective to remove harsh sun tans and sun burns. The citric content in the lime and the cooling effect of rose water acts as a perfect combination to remove the tan from your hands very easily and quickly. You can prepare the solution and store it in the refrigerator for a week or so.

Soak a cotton pad or cloth in lime juice and dab/rub it on the tanned surface. Massage it for a minute or 2 and then leave it on for 10-15 minutes.  When it is completely dried, wash your hands with cold water.

Prepare a paste of gram flour, yogurt and lemon. The quantity of each item should be equal. Then apply the paste to the affected area. Leave it on for 10 minutes. When the mixture is completely dried, wash it off with with lukewarm water.

You can also add one tablespoon of  turmeric powder and lime juice in raw milk. Mix it well and then apply the mixture to the tanned area. Allow it to dry by leaving it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.

You can constantly apply coconut water to your hands and let it dry. For faster and more effective results you can apply this solution more than once in a day.

Papaya pulp is also another effective ingredient to help remove tan quickly. Massage the Papaya pulp on the affected area for more than 10 minutes and leave it on for another 10-15 minutes. Once you feel that is starting to dry, wash it off with cold water

You can also prepare a paste of white gourd and multani mitti and apply the mixture to the affected parts. Then rinse your it with cold water.

Apart from these you can also take some preventive steps by avoiding exposure to sunrays during peak hours. Do not go out in the sun from 10.00 to 04.00.  Try to use sunscreen lotion on the areas prone to sun exposure, remember to choose a sunscreen lotion that has higher SPF content. Cover your hands with gloves or scarf while riding. These are some steps that may help you avoid sun tans and skin discoloration during the summer time.

Home remedies to remove sun tan on neck

Are you feeling embarrassing about the dark neck? Its because of the tan formed around the neck due to hot sun and pollution. Tan usually occurs on body parts that exposed to sun such as neck, hands, face, arms and legs. Here are the simple home remedies for removing tan on neck.

Cucumber juice, turmeric powder and lemon juice

Mix 1 tbsp of turmeric powder, cucumber juice and cucumber juice. Apply this paste on the neck. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it with cool water. Do it regularly for better results.


Lemon acts as a natural bleach and cleanser that washes out the dead cells from skin. Rub lemon on the neck directly or mix the lemon juice with rose water. This removes the tan and gives fair look. Follow it regularly sure you get rid from neck tan with this home remedy.

Coconut oil

This oil will nourish the skin and removes tan. Massage the coconut oil on the neck daily in order to remove tanning from neck.


Prepare your own scrubs for removing tan on neck. Use sugar and lemon juice with oil.

Home remedies to remove tan on face & forehead

Pineapple and papaya for treating forehead tan

Mash pineapple and papaya in mixer and apply that paste to forehead tanned area. Leave it for 10 minutes and wash it with cold water.

Potato for removing tan on forehead and tan on face

It is anti tan vegetable remedy that is available always in kitchen. Make use of potato for removing tan on forehead and face. Mash the raw potato in mixer and apply it on face and forehead. Wash it with cold water after 15 mins. Do it regularly for best results.

Lemon juice and sugar for removing tan on face & forehead

Squeeze lemon and add it to sugar. Mix this and gently rub on face and forehead and leave it. It acts as a natural scrub and you can sure get rid of tanning in within couple of weeks. The skin on face also becomes smooth.

Yogurt and gram flour for face tan & forehead tan

Mix required amounts of gram flour, lemon juice and curd or yogurt. Apply this paste on forehead and face. Leave it for 15 mins and wash it with water.

Aloe vera, tomato and red lentil (Masoor daal) face pack

Masoor daal is the best home ingredient that cleans the even the extreme tan. Mixing of this into aloe vera and tomatoes acts as a rejuvenator. Masoor daal should be soaked in water for 15 minutes and grind it into a paste. In that paste add aloe vera gel and tomato pulp. Mix it well and massage on neck and face. After 15 minutes wash it with water.

Harmful effects of sun tan

Overexposure of the skin to the ultra violetrays of the sun leads to the darkening of the exposed area of the skin. Sun tan normally occurs on the face, neck, arms and legs. It can lead to problems like acne, pimples, wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, skin burn and premature aging of the skin. In extreme cases it can also cause skin cancer.

Home Made Remedies for Sun Tanned Skin

It is found that expensive cosmetic products available in the market are loaded with harmful chemicals and bleaching agents.The nourishing and wholesome face packs prepared from natural ingredients are easily available and do not harm the skin

Tomato, Yogurt and Lemon Juice Face Pack

This is an effective pack to removedark spots and pigmentation. The citric property in all the three ingredients acts as natural toner to shrink the open pores and reduce the oiliness on the skin. The pack can be prepared by mixing 2 table spoon of tomato pulp, 1 table spoon of lemon juice and 1 table spoon of yogurt in a bowl. Apply it on the face and wash with cold water after 30 minutes.

Aloe Vera, Masoor Daal (Red Lentil) and Tomato Face Pack

Masoor dal helps in clearing the worst tanning. Aloe Vera gel and tomato work as a skin rejuvenator. Make a rough paste of massor dal that has been soaked for 20 minutes. Mix the gel of aloe Vera and 1 tablespoon of tomato pulp in the paste and massage it liberally on the face and neck… Rinse it off after 20 minutes.

Oat Meal and Butter Milk Exfoliating Pack

Oatmeal is a natural scrub to remove blackheads and dead cells and buttermilk helps in soothing skin and healing blisters. Make a paste with 2 tablespoon of oatmeal and 3 tablespoons of buttermilk and apply it on the face and body. Massage it in a circular motion. Clean it with water after 15 minutes.

Orange Juice and Yogurt Face Pack

Oranges are rich in Vitamin C which helps to fight skin blemishes. The collagen in the orange slows down the process of aging and aids in tightening the skin.Yogurt on the other hand acts as a natural bleach and moisturizer. Take one spoon of juice and one spoon of yogurt and apply it on the face. Rinse with water after 30 minutes.

Potato and Lemon Juice Face Pack

Potato is beneficial to skin besides being a food. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals, protein and fiberswhich are helpful in treating aging sign of the skin, blemishes and sun burn. It calms and soothes the skin. Apply the two on the face and wash it off after 40 minutes.

Strawberry and Milk Cream Face Pack

Strawberryhas skin lightening agents thatare helpfulin improvingthe complexion of the skinand reducing dark spots, pigmentation and freckles on the skin. Prepare the pack with 4 crushed strawberries and 2 tablespoon milk cream and apply onthe face. Rinse after 30 minutes.

Milk Powder, Honey and Almond Oil Face pack

Milk powder is a good moisturizer and it also reduces the effects of sun tan and gives a clean texture to the skin. Mix 2 table spoon of milk powder1 table spoon of honey and a few drops of almond oil in a bowl and apply it on the face.Leave it on the face for 20 minutes before washingit off with water.

Saffron and Fresh Cream Face Pack

Saffron (kesar) remains an age old ingredient for skin care.It helps in skin brightening, toning, tan removal, and fighting acne and pimples. Blend few strands of kesar with 2 tablespoon milk and apply it on the face. Let it dry for 20 minutes before washing with water.
Does it seem like everyone and their moms has had a c-section—or knows someone who has? It’s not all in your head: Cesarean delivery rates increased by nearly 60 percent between 1996 and 2009. But a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report finds that the rate of cesarean deliveries in the U.S. has leveled off for the first time in 12 years.
Experts credit the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), a nonprofit women’s health care advocacy group, with curbing the upward trend. In 2009, the group launched a public health campaign to discourage physicians and expecting mothers from undergoing unnecessary c-sections.

Why C-Sections Can Be Dangerous

Cesarean deliveries are riskier than vaginal births because cutting into your abdomen exposes you to bacteria, which increases your odds of getting an infection, says George Macrones, MD, a representative for the ACOG. A c-section delivery can also heighten your chances of excessive bleeding, blood clots, and, in rare cases, death, he says.

What’s more, it takes an intense physical toll on your body. While recovering from vaginal birth takes just one to two weeks, post-c-section recovery can last up to six weeks. And after you recover, your c-section could complicate future pregnancies; women who have cesarean deliveries face an increased risk of placenta implantation problems, uterine rupture, bladder and bowel injuries, a second cesarean delivery, and the need for a hysterectomy, according to previous research cited in the ACOG guidelines.

Despite these risks, about 31 percent of U.S. births between 2009 and 2012 were cesarean deliveries. And while there’s no firm data on what portion of these procedures were medically necessary, experts at ACOG estimate that about 8 percent of the total number of c-sections were avoidable.

Why They Became So Popular

It’s known that c-sections come with the complications listed above… so what accounted for the rise between 1996 and 2009? One reason is that c-sections lead to more c-sections. If a woman has already had a baby via cesarean, giving birth to a second child vaginally becomes riskier. Doctors are wary of performing risky procedures, both out of fear of harming the mother, and also out of fear of lawsuits. A 2010 poll published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology showed that 29 percent of obstetrician college members said they were performing more caesareans to avoid being sued.

Another reason is convenience—for both the mother and the doctor. Women may prefer to have c-sections scheduled around when family members might be in town to help them take care of their children, for instance. And older studies have found that c-sections are more common on Fridays and between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. The scary implication: Some doctors might recommend inducing labor so that they don’t have to spend their nights and weekends waiting for the baby to come.

When a C-Section is Your Best

Bet All that being said, sometimes c-sections are necessary to ensure the safety of the mother and child. Like most medical decisions, it’s ultimately up to you and your doctor to determine the best way to deliver your baby. But according to the ACOG, you might be a prime candidate for a c-section if:

-You’re carrying multiples and they’re very small or poorly positioned -Your contractions aren’t strong enough to move the baby on their own -The umbilical cord is pinched or compressed -The baby has an abnormal heart rate -There’s a problem with the placenta -The baby is particularly large or breech -You’re infected with an STI that could infect your baby if it were to go through the birth canal -You have diabetes, which could lead to a larger baby -You have high blood pressure, which can lead to preeclamsia, a dangerous condition that can damage your organs and can only be cured by childbirth (which is why an early-term cesarean delivery may be necessary)

The Bottom Line If you can have a vaginal birth safely, you should, says Macrones. When you give birth the natural way, you face a lower rate of infection and will experience a faster recovery—so you can hit the ground running as a new mom. So before you sign off on a c-section, you should ask your doctor if you can give birth vaginally. Be wary of doctors who encourage c-sections right off the bat—especially if you’re young and relatively healthy.
Does it seem like everyone and their moms has had a c-section—or knows someone who has? It’s not all in your head: Cesarean delivery rates increased by nearly 60 percent between 1996 and 2009. But a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report finds that the rate of cesarean deliveries in the U.S. has leveled off for the first time in 12 years.
Experts credit the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), a nonprofit women’s health care advocacy group, with curbing the upward trend. In 2009, the group launched a public health campaign to discourage physicians and expecting mothers from undergoing unnecessary c-sections.

Why C-Sections Can Be Dangerous

Cesarean deliveries are riskier than vaginal births because cutting into your abdomen exposes you to bacteria, which increases your odds of getting an infection, says George Macrones, MD, a representative for the ACOG. A c-section delivery can also heighten your chances of excessive bleeding, blood clots, and, in rare cases, death, he says.

What’s more, it takes an intense physical toll on your body. While recovering from vaginal birth takes just one to two weeks, post-c-section recovery can last up to six weeks. And after you recover, your c-section could complicate future pregnancies; women who have cesarean deliveries face an increased risk of placenta implantation problems, uterine rupture, bladder and bowel injuries, a second cesarean delivery, and the need for a hysterectomy, according to previous research cited in the ACOG guidelines.

Despite these risks, about 31 percent of U.S. births between 2009 and 2012 were cesarean deliveries. And while there’s no firm data on what portion of these procedures were medically necessary, experts at ACOG estimate that about 8 percent of the total number of c-sections were avoidable.

Why They Became So Popular

It’s known that c-sections come with the complications listed above… so what accounted for the rise between 1996 and 2009? One reason is that c-sections lead to more c-sections. If a woman has already had a baby via cesarean, giving birth to a second child vaginally becomes riskier. Doctors are wary of performing risky procedures, both out of fear of harming the mother, and also out of fear of lawsuits. A 2010 poll published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology showed that 29 percent of obstetrician college members said they were performing more caesareans to avoid being sued.

Another reason is convenience—for both the mother and the doctor. Women may prefer to have c-sections scheduled around when family members might be in town to help them take care of their children, for instance. And older studies have found that c-sections are more common on Fridays and between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. The scary implication: Some doctors might recommend inducing labor so that they don’t have to spend their nights and weekends waiting for the baby to come.

When a C-Section is Your Best

Bet All that being said, sometimes c-sections are necessary to ensure the safety of the mother and child. Like most medical decisions, it’s ultimately up to you and your doctor to determine the best way to deliver your baby. But according to the ACOG, you might be a prime candidate for a c-section if:

-You’re carrying multiples and they’re very small or poorly positioned -Your contractions aren’t strong enough to move the baby on their own -The umbilical cord is pinched or compressed -The baby has an abnormal heart rate -There’s a problem with the placenta -The baby is particularly large or breech -You’re infected with an STI that could infect your baby if it were to go through the birth canal -You have diabetes, which could lead to a larger baby -You have high blood pressure, which can lead to preeclamsia, a dangerous condition that can damage your organs and can only be cured by childbirth (which is why an early-term cesarean delivery may be necessary)

The Bottom Line If you can have a vaginal birth safely, you should, says Macrones. When you give birth the natural way, you face a lower rate of infection and will experience a faster recovery—so you can hit the ground running as a new mom. So before you sign off on a c-section, you should ask your doctor if you can give birth vaginally. Be wary of doctors who encourage c-sections right off the bat—especially if you’re young and relatively healthy.