Thursday, August 6, 2015

15 Amazing Foods That Help You Lose Weight Extremely Fast

image: From exercising to dieting to going for endless walks, there are several ways of losing weight. However, losing weight is not an easy task for it needs commitment and dedication. There are certain kinds of food that can effectively help you in losing weight without getting into the pain of working out every day. These foods are known as superfoods for they are rich in nutrients that help in the maintenance and betterment of our health. It doesn’t end here; they also effectively help in boosting our energy levels and aiding in the process of weight loss. In this article, we will tell you about 15 such superfoods that you can easily incorporate in your diet to lose weight.

Apple is a fruit that’s low on calories and is loaded with phytonutrients, dietary fibers, and antioxidants and promotes better health by preventing several diseases.


Oats are loaded with carbohydrates in them that play a key role in the releasing of serotonin, a hormone that aids in relaxation and fat burning.


Yoghurt is easily digestible and is rich in calcium and B-vitamins, and helps in improving your immune system, keeps hunger cravings at bay by regulating your blood sugar levels. It also helps in reducing the risks of colon cancer.


They are rich in antioxidants and folic acids and are extremely low in calories. They help in satisfying your sugar craving by not adding up to that weight of yours.


Like pomegranates, they are also packed with antioxidants and their rich fiber content keeps you satiated for a longer period of time.


Lentils are rich in fibers, proteins and resistant starch. Resistant starch is a carbohydrate that enhances your metabolism and helps in the process of fat burn.


Many might now know, but salmon is one of the leanest sources of proteins that keeps you full by not adding to that waist of yours. It is a powerful source of Omega-3 fatty acids, helps in the improvement of insulin sensitivity and keeps your heart healthy.

Green Tea

Consuming 2 to 3 cups of green tea helps in getting rid of those extra kilos at a much faster rate for it is fact with antioxidants.


They are packed with vitamins A and C, and lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that makes your body lose weight naturally.


Flaxseeds are packed with Omega-3 fats and fibers that keep you satiated for a long time. You can mix it with a glass of warm water or sprinkle it on your salads, soups, scrambled eggs, etc.


Mushrooms are a great replacement choice for red meat (especially white button mushrooms) for they help you shedding weight by cutting down in your calorie intake. A cup of mushrooms contains as less as 44 calories which is one sixth the amount of lean red mean.

Hot Chile Peppers

Studies have showed that consumption of these with tomato juice about 30 minutes before your meal can make you eat 10% less than your normal portion. This is what makes it a superfood!


Consumption of almonds keeps you full and help in lower down the fat consumption. It is attributed to the fact repeated chewing of it releases more fats from the almonds and this helps in satisfying hunger pangs.

Olive Oil

This oil can totally help you in reducing deposited fat from your body. The poly unsaturated fatty acids found in it can help in keeping hunger at bay while the oleic acid helps in breaking down excess fats.

Cranberry Juice

It’s rich in antioxidants and helps in flushing out excess fluids from the body which in turn eliminates the probability of weight gain due to water retention.

So, these were your 15 superfoods that can help you in losing weight when they are made a part of your regular diet.
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