Thursday, August 6, 2015

10 Most Effective Ways to Lose Fat from Your Hips

Image: One of the things that requires a lot of dedication and commitment is weight loss. No weight loss program can be successful without a healthy diet and regular workout regime. Along with that there are certain problem areas for women that store excess fat as compared to the rest of the body. Hips and thighs are a few of those areas that require special attention in order to lose weight. You need to try a combination of diet, cardiovascular and strength exercises to shed those pounds from these areas. Remember, you can never out train an unhealthy diet. Hence, you need to stay focussed towards your workout routine. In this article of ours, we will tell you about a few of the effective ways that can help you in reducing weight from these areas.
However, you need to remember that you can’t spot reduce fat from one area. You need to focus on your entire body and that’s how you can reduce weight from your problem areas.

Maintain a Food Journal

Keeping a food journal is crucial when it comes to losing weight. You need to enter whatever you are nibbling throughout the day so that you can have an idea where you need to cut down.

Reduce Calorie Intake by 10 to 25 Percent

When you start cutting down on your calories, your body starts using that stored fat in the hips and thighs which in turn leads to weight loss from these areas.

Do Not Skip Your Breakfast

Make sure you eat a wholesome breakfast in the morning. If you skip breakfast, your body tends to hold onto the stored fat instead of burning them out.

Eliminate Refined Carbs from Your Diet

Try to consume carbohydrates that are in the form of whole grains as much as possible. You can try out brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat pastas, and other ancient grains.

Cut Down Your Sugar Intake

If you feel your body is storing extra fat on your hips, then you really need to relook at your sugar intake. Excessive sugar intake can make it even more difficult for you to lose weight.

Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are naturally nutritious and less on calories. They keep you satiated and do not let you binge or overeat. A high fiber diet with keep hunger pangs away and aid in the process of weight loss.

Indulge in Low-fat Dairy Products

Low-fat dairy products like cottage cheese, Greek yoghurt and milk double up as amazing post workout snacks. They have also been associated with weight loss.

Work Out 4 to 5 Days a Week

Be it circuit training or high intensity interval workouts or going out for a swim or run – make sure to indulge in some sort of cardiovascular activity about 5 days a week. Workouts that have sharp changes of resistance or speed from medium to high intensity help your body burn fats easily in the form of sweat. Make sure you start these workouts with a proper warm up and end them with an extensive stretching and cool down.

Exercise for At Least 30 Minutes

Like we said before, you can spot reduce weight. If you need to lose weight from your hips, then you need to reduce your overall body fat. If you want to experience a drastic drop in your hip size, you need to work out for about an hour for 6 days a week. Additionally you can choose to walk, take the stairs, and keep yourself agile to keep your metabolism going.

Do Hip Exercises

Additionally you can do hip exercises like squats, lunges, planks, hip raises, standing sidekicks to concentrate on your hip muscles and activate them in order to lose the fat around them.

Try to keep these points in mind and start to make positive changes in your lifestyle and you are sure to get the body you deserve.
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